Wednesday, December 13, 2006

i've been tryin to see you, cause i can see you want the truth now

Quasi-sports question: a radio commercial for a paint company this morning was advertising the fact it carries official team colors. the actor in the commercial was trying to decide which of his teams' colors to pick. here was his list of favorites:

NFL: Denver Broncos
College: Ohio State
MLB: Boston Red Sox

what a completely unbelievable group of favorite teams. I would venture to guess that there is no more than two actual people in the whole country that have that sort of inexplicable geographical make-up. sure, there may be one team that doesn't fit perfectly, but that mixture is not realistic.

here's my group:

NFL: New Orleans Saints
College: LSU
MLB: Chicago Cubs

So, my question to you: how does your group of favorites look?

in the comments section, list the three (or two or four) sports you follow the most closely and your favorite team in each to see if the paint guy is actually more normal than i thought. also, include any geographical reasoning (such as where you grew up) to why your group looks like it does.


Anonymous said...

NFL: Saints (maybe b/c I'm at every home game)

College: Kansas State (grad)

MLB: KC Royals (only thing to do during the summer in Kansas)

Looks like I'm on your side on this one.

-seth said...

you mean the saints have eclipsed the chiefs?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's that unbelievable. Maybe he grew up in Colorado (hence the Broncos) went to school at Ohio State and then got a job in Boston and became a Red Sox fan. Colorado didn’t have a baseball team until the Rockies (which peaked their first few years with the Blake St. Bombers anyway)

Take me for example:

NFL: GO Broncos
College: Mizzou (grad)
NBA: NOK Hornets (Tied with the nuggets, but never really got into them and will have attended more Hornets’ games after tomorrow night)

Does this mean I can paint a room Orange, Blue, Black, Old Gold and Teal?

Speaking of the Saints I wouldn’t be surprised if they have a really good post season.

Every area of the country I’ve lived in, a team from that region has won the Super Bowl while I was there. Denver (98, 99), St. Louis (00) and Tampa Bay (03), it’s the Saints in (07). You heard it here first.

-seth said...

i actually had you in mind when i was writing this.

strangers in the niiiiiiiiight...

no, not like that. gross. i just figured your country-wide adventures probably made you a candidate for a diverse favorite team list.

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm only really interested in the NFL. My tiny brain has to learn one sport at a time. Who knew a game could be so damn trivial?

So, I'd have to go with the Saints, positively no question. I love them even when they're breaking my heart. But as for using their colors to paint a room...uh, no. Black walls would be depressing and gold walls would be ugly. Even if I went with an austere white with black and gold accent it would be ugly. Come to think of it, there isn't a single NFL team I can think of with colors suitable for wall paint.

Kyle likes the Braves. But I'd never use those colors on my wall either.

Excellent converstaion item, Seth!

You should next ask us why people who are probably going to name LT MVP instead of Drew Brees are wrong. What bias?

Go Saints!!