Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hamburgers, sodomy and Ash Wednesday traffic

Happy Ash Wednesday, or, as I like to call it, Return to Suck-Ass Traffic Day.

As you all know, Ash Wednesday celebrates the time Jesus got his ass stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the wedding at Cana, so he turned Lot's wife to ashes for acts of sodomy.

The devout Catholics in Baton Rouge relive the event by taking Monday and Tuesday (also known as Lundi Gras and Mardi Gras) off of work to attend elaborately themed recreations of history's first traffic jam (and the sodomy) in New Orleans. Then, they participate in a much larger recreation by driving into work Wednesday and making my commute farging miserable.

I haven't been struck by lightning yet, so let's move on to a less sacriligeous description of my commute this morning.

Ever throw a party and really bust your ass to make it great?

You spend all day in front of the grill or in the kitchen, just churning out plates and plates of tasty food. Then you finish and decide to reward yourself with a tasty hamburger and you realize that everything's gone except a half-eaten hotdog weiner?

That was my today.

I spent Monday and Tuesday grilling (at work...stupid bosses and their protestant work ethic) while everyone else was partying (that's actually not much of a metaphor, since they really were partying).

So Wednesday comes along and I'm driving to work and everyone is there, hovered around the food (I-12 and I-10). And I'm stuck in traffic for a half-hour longer than normal.

Is it really too much to ask that if i have to work when everybody is off, i should at least have OK traffic to drive in when everyone else decides to come back to work, too?

I have no idea where i was going with that...

...Despite probably punching my ticket to hell earlier this post, i will be attending Ash Wednesday mass tonight.

I'm giving up coffee and softdrinks for Lent and also making a renewed effort to get to the gym. this seems like the perfect opportunity to work on the fact that it grosses me out when i see my reflection.


misty mac said...

am i the only one who only gives up what i already don't eat and/or do for the lenten season?? geez! i mean, it's much easier to give up lima beans when i've never actually liked them.. ever. ... than it is to give up yelling at random people who tick me off. which, by the way, IS okay to do if a lady on a parade route continues to give you dirty looks for smashing her child's finger (which did not happen) when he tried to steal a mardi gras throw from you. and it also is okay to say "so, i don't care".. when the lady walks off and says "FINE! we're leaving!! happy?!"

no clue why that little rant lasted as long as it did, but i would like to point out that lent freaking rocks because that's when wendy's brings back the filet-o-fish sammiches. mmmmmmm.

see... there's the holiday season, then there's crawfish season, then mardi gras season, and now filet-o-fish season. which, by the way, overlapps girlscout cookie season. wooohooooh!!!

oh, and sorry about your drive. sounds like a hard day.

Anonymous said...

i gave up eating feces for lent. so far, so good.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was excited about coming to Baton Rouge in March. But now that you've brought me back to reality...I guess I'll start working on those deep breathing exercises.

Even though I'm sure no one really cares...I am fasting for Lent. It's different from abstaining (thank God). I'm on the second day and am already in intense prayer about three hours after my last "meal" (praying is very effective in removing your mind from hunger pangs, by the way). And because fasting apparently isn't enough, or because I'm a complete freaking idiot, I'm giving up meat, too. I have a feeling I'll be living for Sundays until Easter!