Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I walk a lawn and i walk a lawn

Happy Mardi Gras.

Hope I'm the ony one who actually has to work today. although i'm sure those of you displaced in the northeast are probably trucking along as well.

i have chili on my crotch. i got it washing dishes this morning. but i didn't notice until i was driving to work. so now i have to hide my crotch from people without being obvious about it.


Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm working, of course. it sucks.

oh, last week i was wearing a white T-shirt. My white T-shirt has some pit stains, which is no big deal considering i was only going to use it as an undershirt. but i was on the phone with a friend when i left for work, got distracted and forgot to put another shirt on over my T-shirt before i put my coat on. i discovered this on the way to work. i didn't want people at work to see my pit stains, so i stopped off at the gap to buy a shirt. i was in such a hurry that i didn't realize until i was at the register the shirt cost $50. i said, fuck it. (it's a pretty cool shirt.)

Happy Mardi Gras!

stamey said...

I worked... if you can call getting paid to photograph parades when I would have probably photographed the parades anyway work.

Oh, and I attended the 7 a.m. mass this morning... for work though. So does that count as "attending mass"