Monday, May 07, 2007

Just freakin shoot me

This is a picture a coworker took this weekend.

Yes, it's two dogs riding in a stroller.

Yes, the stroller was brought along for the said purpose of pushing a dog in it. No, there is no baby involved.

You should know that if i ever see one of you pushing a dog in a stroller, we can no longer be friends.

1 comment:

misty mac said...

okay so i don't push my dog around in a stroller (i am entirely too lazy for that.. she's got legs.. she can walk). but... BUT... how do you feel about doggie leg warmers?? i'm assuming your not a fan, but is it safe to say we can still be friends, or am i just pushing my luck?

oh, and i came really close to buying dixie a shirt that said "ms. march" with a playboy bunny on the back, but i figured people wouldn't believe it... since she doesn't wax and all..