Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm in a bed, I'm in a little room, i'm in a building, it's in the middle of this life

i've been told multiple times by multiple people that my sports writing is the perfect cure for insomnia, so i'll try to avoid straying down the sports path for a while, since it's all i've talked about for the last two weeks or so...

YESTERDAY -- As i pulled into the parking lot at work, my "Hey, man, you need some gas" light came on . Since post-work traffic is unpredictable, i decided to filler-up at lunch so i wouldn't risk getting stuck in traffic and run out of gas.

So i left work at lunch and was driving toward the gas station on a two-lane, one-way street in the left lane. a car in the right lane cut across in front of me -- sans blinker, of course-- and whipped across to the parrallel parking on the left.

As luck would have it, she (you didn't seriously think it was a male driver, did you?) came close enough to hitting me that i had to brake pretty heavily. instead of driving past her, i was able to stop right beside her car. I looked out to my left, made eye contact, and gave her the bird. then i drove off.

It made me pretty happy.

TODAY -- Thump. Thump. Thump.

Why the thumping?

All morning. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I was getting ready to go to work, led by the percussion section coming from the laundry room.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I got dressed and went through the usual drill of locating the triumverate of necessary pocket-fillers: wallet, keys, phone.


I walked in the living room and got my keys and wallet. (Thump.)

Couldn't find my phone. (Thump.)

Looked in the bedroom. (Thump.)

No phone.

Looked in the office. (Thump.)

No phone.

Looked under the couch. (Thump.)

No phone.

Looked under the cushions. (Thump.)

No phone.





Walked to the laundry room.

Opened the dryer door.

Dryer stopped.

Thumping stopped.

Found my phone.


Anonymous said...

And how is the phone?

And there are just as many bad male drivers on the road as there are female drivers, thank you very much. I've seen more than my fair share of moronic, angry male drivers do moronic, angry things in a car--and better, on a motorcycle. I, for one, am an excellent driver.

-seth said...

the phone is no more. it ceases to be.

but the sim card works, so i'm using courtney's old phone.