World-famous douchetard Eli Manning was supposed to lead the Rebels to the promised land. but ended up on his butt and all was right in the world as they lost again.
Right after the deciding play. i turned around and saw a woman in ole miss garb crying. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. To quote Cartman after he cooked Scott Tenorman's parents in chili and fed it to him: "Yes, yes, oh let me taste your tears. your tears are so tasty and sweet. oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness. yummy! yummy!"
If you could ever enjoy watching another person's suffering on the level i did that night, you're going to love this video from NBX Sports :
Why do people insist on calling hypothetical places of perpetual solitude "desert islands?"
how in the hell do you have a desert island? an island, by it's definition is surrounded by water. it's kind of hard to have something that is both a desert and an island.
it's "deserted island," people. as in, there's no civilization on it. dumbasses.
speaking of calling things stuff, i heard someone refer to Les Miserables as "Les Mis" today.
how many times do you have to read or see that to call it Les Mis?
I've never read it, seen it, or have any clue what it's about. So do i have to pronouce it by its full name?
or even worse, am i allowed to pronounce it "Lay Mizerahb" even though i know nothing about it, or do i have to call it "Less miserables?"
any help would be appreciated.
Les Mis. Just call it Les Mis.
And if you ever get a chance to see it, do. I saw it traveling and it is hands down the best performance (of a musical or play) I've ever seen. It is a beautiful story with incredible music ("God on High" is sublime).You'll like it, I'm sure of it. It's worth every penny you'll pay.
It's a great novel, too. If you want something long, Hugo definitely provides. Hunchback and Les Mis are both meaty reads. Bolster yourself for Hunchback, though: Disney got it almost 100% wrong! The musical version of Les Mis is a nice trade for the read if you don't have that kind of time. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. You'll definitely get the emotional experience the story arc demands.
I love books.
Oh, yeah. "Lay Mihzerahb" is the only correct way to fully pronounce the title. I usually hardly pronounce the "b" on the end, though.
I saw the spot but couldn't really enjoy the tot's misery it was so pitiful. It was a painful reminder of how many times over the years I've seen that very look on y'alls faces.
Les Mis was one of my favorite books.
People should read this.
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