Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Great expectations, realistic results

i'm not sure what the hell convinced me that i would be patient enough to chronicle a two-part epic on the drama surrounding my left hand. i'm pretty stupid most of the time. so here's the cliff's notes version:

I was paranoid that a suspicious clump of dirt above my front door was a wasps' nest.

i repeatedly sprayed it with Raid.

It wasn't a wasps nest.

However, unbeknownst to me, there was an actual, very active wasps nest about three feet away on my front porch light (i don't have a front porch, but i don't know how else to describe the location of the light) and directly above my skullbone.

I was walking outside Monday and got stung by a wasp on my left middle finger. i said "****!" and hopped around, noticed the nest and eradicated it and its 8 or so inhabitants with straight prejudice. now my thumb hurts to bend it because of the saw altercation and my middle finger is puffy and itchy. (I'm glad it wasn't one finger over because it's still easy to take my wedding ring off before i go into a bar).


I witnessed a very bad car wreck yesterday. i was sitting at a light and a guy turned left into an oncoming car going about 50 mph. dudes were f'd up. (i told the police that both cars had a green light with no turn arrow. but i'm feeling a twinge of guilt because it is possible that i was wrong and the truck had an arrow and the car ran a red light. since the guy in the truck is going to get a failure to yield ticket, i hope my memory was correct.)

i was a little surprised at the level of pre-ambulance first aid administered by the responding officers. me and a couple other guys were standing between the cars checking on the drivers (i was "supervising.") the guy who got hit was bloodied and didn't remember where he was going or where he was coming from. the guy who turned was laid across his seat and not moving at all.

so the po-po shows up and tells the guy in the car not to move and the ambulance was on its way. he looks at us "anybody else hurt?" we sort of motion to the fairly conspicuous truck halfway in a ditch with a guy laying across the seat not moving.

"he still alive?" po-po asks.
"he was a few minutes ago."

Po-po walks up to the truck. "You still with us?"


"Do you have a preference for what tow-truck company we use?" sen-si-tive.


"All right, acadian (ambulance) is on its way."


I have a couple of reading recommendations that i think you should check out (which i guess is why they're recommendations).

The Science Professor is a blog by a science professor at a major research university writing about how big of a pain in the butt it is to be a woman science professor at a major research university. I stumbled across it and was impressed with the way she handles being established in her field despite remaining an outsider in a male-dominated profession.

My other recommendation has some adult content. That Girl Emily started off as generic blog, but quickly transformed after the author found out her husband is sleeping with her best friend. now she's writing about the different revenge techniques she's employing (including using their joint bank account to buy a billboard and giving away his extensive wine collection to construction workers in the neighborhood).

I think i'm going to rename the Wednesday Weigh-in the "whenever weigh-in." i didn't remember to weigh this morning until i was already dressed. maybe i'll get around to it tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.