Monday, July 31, 2006

N-A-T-E and me, the Warren to the G

I had to get my oil changed Saturday and now laugh every time i'm driving down the road. Like most places, the oil change place i use puts a little sticker on the inside of your windshield reminding you when your next change is due and what kind of oil they used.

for example, when i went saturday my mile-o-meter read 72,401. so, traditionally, i would leave with a sticker saying "next change mileage: 75, 401" because of the common practice of getting one's oil changed every 3,000 miles. however,when i boughts my car they told me i only needed to get it changed every 5,000 miles.

so i was next in line and the guy working there took the sticker off my windshield. I says, "On the new sticker, can you make it for 5,000 miles?"

sure, he says.

so after getting into the bay the same guy comes up and asks for my mileage.

72,401, i say.

and you want it for 5,000 miles? he asks.

please, i say.

so he walks and grabs a sticker, pulls out a trusty sharpie brand permanent felt-tipped marker and commences scribbling. then he comes back and adheses it to my windshield.

I look at the sticker.

"next change mileage: 5,000"


Ryan Chatelain said...

Here's to hoping that guy's next job is as an insurance adjuster!

Anonymous said...

haha. as much as stupid people annoy the poop out of me, if it weren't for them, we'd have less stories.

as for the mileage on your oil... my brother has been a mechanic pretty much since he's been able to brush his own teeth... and he brought me in the back of his shop one day and yelled at me... yelled, i say.. "YOU SEE THIS!!! THIS IS CAR CANCER!! AND IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR OIL CHANGED WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO.... THIS IS GOING TO BE YOUR ENGINE!!" this reprimanding was due to the fact that i was 2,000 or so miles over my oil change.

now i'm just plain scared.

Anonymous said...

I remember getting yelled at by a mechanic when I was overdue for an oil change. I was nearly in tears. Then, when he started listing all the other work he would I have to do if it happened again, I just started feeling poor.

And since I get my oil changed every 5,000 miles and am perfectly capable of doing the math myself, I just take that static cling sticker off my window.