Wednesday, November 08, 2006

why's it have to be this way? be this way

Thoughts not pertaining to this weekend (but check out episode three that went up just minutes before this).

i know it has to do with kidneys, but hearing the word "renal" makes me giggle...

...Here's an excerpt from an e-mail with my thoughts of the britney/k-fed divorce:

I'm looking forward to seeing britney A) rebound from the divorce, drop some weight, and become hot again or, more likely B) spiral out of control, drop some weight because of a prescription medicine addiction and end up in playboy.

Leave your britney/k-fed predictions in the comment section.


Anonymous said...

A year from now we will thankfully all be saying K-Fed who?

Anonymous said...

Britney will be as okay as she ever was (and let's face it, she was never really okay).

K-Fed will never make an effort to have anything to do with his kids because he's a complete bastard. He will subsequently fade into oblivion--though indecently and undeservedly wealthy thanks to his "meal-ticket ex-missus."

They really did look happy and in love when they first met. But K-Fed reminds me of my brother (except with a shorter rap sheet and fewer tatooes). A "man" like that is incapable of looking out for anyone's happiness but his own.