i went ahead and signed the save the mcrib petition just to be safe. A world without McRibs is not one i want to live in.
Obviously not a lot going on in my world these days beyond work.I meant to bring back Weigh-In Wednesday today, but I forgot.
I have been to the Y once, and i'm still sore from Monday's workout. didn't go back last night so we could hand out candy.
I've restopped drinking coffee and soft drinks, but have had way too much candy lately. so once i get that under control, look for a much steadier drop in weight than my first half-assed effort.
McRib is disgusting!! I looks gross and smells nasty and tastes terrible.
And that's about the kind of morning I'm having.
I joined the Y over a month ago. I've been twice, both the first week I joined. Haven't been back since. That's money well spent. In all fairness, I work a crazy schedule. I would have to work out first thing in the morning (which my body just ain't ready for) or at 11:30 at night (when my body just wants to sit down, relax and watch "The Family Guy").
Ryan, I'll bet your body would adjust quicker than you think. It's your mind you've got to change. I know when I decide to go for a jog in the mornings, by body thinks "Woohoo!" But my brain calls me a mean name and tells me I'd better hit the snooze button--or else. Because I respect my brain more than my body (which explains giving in to wild food cravings), I generally hit snooze about 10 times.
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