Thursday, July 06, 2006

An acrobat swinging trapezes through circles of flame

Hello everybody.

It's time for another reader contest. Here's the background:

Sunday, courtney leaves for Chicago for a few days of training. Upon her return, she will promptly turn around and head to Alaska for nine or ten more days. Which means I will be all by my lonesome for about two weeks.

Assuredly, my time will be spent reading a book, watching Anchorman or furthering the progress of my XBox college football team, the St. Tammany Calamity.

Or will it? That, reader, is where you come in.

You can take part in a little contest i like to call "I bet you won't..."

In the comment section, leave a domestic task you bet i won't do while she's gone and the amount of money you'll pay me if i pull it off.

now, you could be cheesy and do something like "I bet you $5 you won't have the dishes washed when she gets home", and you of course you can, but what fun would that be?

i want to see things like "I bet you $500 you won't dig a swimming pool while she's gone" or "$50 says you won't replace the kitchen table centerpiece with a papier mache cast of your butt."

just keep in mind that the payment must cover whatever cost i have to incur to pull it off, as well as a reward proportional to the amount of trouble i'll be in when she gets home.

and, above all else, be creative.


Ryan Chatelain said...

$50 if you paint a mural on your wall honoring "The Family Guy."

Ryan Chatelain said...

an addendum (if i spelled that correctly): this mural must be at least 3 feet high and 3 feet wide. don't put some little bitty picture on that wall that can be covered up with stroke of a paint roller. and i want pictures if you do this, including one of courtney's face when she sees it.

Anonymous said...

a 'novelty doorbell' comes to mind.
i have no idea what a body would expect to pay, or even where to look for one. but hearing the theme from monday night football or teenage mutant ninja turtles every time someone comes over would kickass.


Anonymous said...

$20 if you set up a frog acquarium
senza rubber gloves.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"$20 if you set up a frog acquarium
senza rubber gloves."

i got twenny on that one too!
