Thursday, July 20, 2006

Cause all the geeks that i meet they all look cooler than me

UPDATE: i forgot to link this during my wasp sting story.

so i did the 'Whenever Weigh-in" this morning. 190.6 -- down 1.1 lbs since last week. it's also been a month since i started my half-ass weight-loss quest. i've lost 3.8 pounds (more than that if you count the first week where i actually gained weight).

I'm a little worried because I think i heard somewhere that the most noticeable weight loss comes early, and i don't think i'll be happy if i level off at less than a pound a week. Maybe it's time to buckle down and set loftier goals.

Weight: 190.6
Goal for next week: 190.5

carpe diem


the swelling and itching has on my wasp-stung finger has reduced noticeably today. courtney comes home tomorrow, so i'll need to "tidy up the house a bit" when i get home tonight.

i guess that's about it.


Anonymous said...

by "tidy up the house a bit" you do mean "cram the dirty clothes under the bed", right?

-seth said...

here's the beauty of it all (and remember this for future use): when you're the only one home, lights and darks don't have to go in separate laundry loads and everything is dishwasher safe.

Anonymous said...

Ack! Kyle, don't listen to him, he's going to get you in trouble!! ;)

Wouldn't it have been easier to just keep the house clean the whole time, rather than have to do it all at once? I was just you.

-seth said...

actually, since it was just me, i found it much easier to not keep it clean. constantly picking up after yourself gets monotonous.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.