Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i b'lieve 'e said 'e adda go pee

well, i have once again proven that setting goals does nothing but doom you to failure. Last week, i made my goal to lose a tenth of a pound. and look at me, i've ballooned by three tenths of a pound.

This is the second time i've made the mistake of setting a goal of losing weight. both times i ended up gaining weight, while weeks where i make my goal not to gain too much weight end up with significant losses. so it's back to setting the bar as low as possible.

Current weight: 190.9
Goal for next week: no more than 193


I discovered last night that, as suspected, my new neighbor might be a little loony.

apparently she thinks i'm the person she's been getting to mow her yard (she even pointed to her car to remind me which house was hers). i assured her that she had the wrong person. Then she introduced herself to me and informed me she was my neighbor. i smiled and let her know that we had met before.

she then offered to give me a number for a person to cut down a tree in my backyard. she didn't say it, but she thinks it's going to fall and land on her house. and it probably will. but it sort of aggravated me that i had to stop what i was doing to let her know that i don't cut her grass then have her tell me it would be a good idea to have a tree removed, so i doubt i'll take her up on the offer for the number.

I'll just wait for a good storm to take care of it.


Anonymous said...

You should have asked her if she had a number for someone who's good at repairing fences, so when the tree falls and wrecks your fence you'll know who to call. (Unless it's her fence--then it's still her problem.)

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.