Thursday, June 22, 2006

Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the deleted blog comment

Dave Isaacs, the subject of my last blog, left me a comment. At first, i was just going to answer it with a comment of my own, but decided to give this its own blog entry to increase the chances it would get read. since he told his side, i wanted to make sure that if you read mine, you read his. His reply:

dave isaacs here. sorry your original comment didn't show up. mvn uses wordpress and a strong spam filter, so typically a link and "you're a douchebag" as a name would be immediately deleted before i ever saw it.

if you feel so strongly about my douchebaggery, let me know ahead of time so you can go ahead and re-type your last comment. no offense is and was intended, and my apologies for the trouble.

--dave "douchebag" isaacs

Despite the sarcastic undertones, i really get the impression that he didn't delete my comment. when i left the comment, there was a note on the form that said there's a filter, so i didn't expect it to go up right away. However, the comment posted to the site pretty much immediately, so when it wasn't there later i assumed it had been deleted.

I do know, however, that a filter wouldn't have stopped it because of language i used. While i am a big enough jack-ass to anonymously call someone douchebag on my blog, i wouldn't do it to them on theirs. that's just poor taste. I either posted the comment as "Seth" or some combination of my initials. And it really would have been something along the lines of "nice try, it's been done, though" with the link.

I am still slightly confused as to what part of speech "douchebaggery" is. I think it's a gerund or something. great word, though.


Anonymous said...

I smell bullcrap in his email to you. I'm betting he read your post then deleted it. Check out It's got some great definitions for douchebaggery,douche baggery, and other douche variants.

Anonymous said...

i also doubt that it was 'filtered' before he read it, as he so douchebaggedly suggested.


-seth said...
