Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I am so smart, i am so smart. S-M-R-T, i mean S-M-A-R-T

if i may draw your attention to the right side of your screen, you'll notice the 'hey, another sidebar' section. i just put that on there my ownself. i was in the template of the site, changing the links section. for this particular template, that section is already written in and gives you a tutorial on how to change it from "edit-me" to an actual link.

I went in and changed the name from "Links" to "what we're reading" and thought i might try something else. so i looked at the code for a second and thought i'd try to put in additional sidebar for uses that are unknown to me.

and, sho nuff, it worked. surprisingly.

so now i've got this additional side bar and don't know what to do with it. i'm leaning toward a quote of the week or a book of the month or something like that. but i certainly welcome any suggestions.

You've likely noticed that I'm the only person posting on here. Courtney is yet to contribute anything. she says she doesn't know what to write about.

so i'm calling her out.

she can either think of something to say or give her opinion on Mark Prior's rehab start for the Iowa Cubs tonight v. the New Orleans Zephyrs.


Ryan Chatelain said...

it would sure be nice if Prior and Wood had more MLB starts than rehab starts. i actually saw Prior pitch against the Zephyrs once. it was his last minor-league start before being called up. coincidentally, he was pitching against Wade Miller, who is now himself also a broke-dick Cubs pitcher.

Anonymous said...

i like your use of the word "ownself". no one ever uses it and i find it rather amusing.. especially repeat offenses like this.

-seth said...

yeah, i'm a big fan of the "ownself" construction, particularly with a "his or her" in front of it. "My ownself" is really no better than a tertiary use as even "your ownself" has a better ring to it.

incidentally, i sort of stole the idea from the writer of espn.com's "Tuesday Morning Quarterback" who uses various constructions of "ownself" quite regularly.