Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Everybody wants charm and a smile and a promise

If you look to your right, you'll notice the "hey, another sidebar" has been replaced.

I forgot to start the weigh-in yesterday, which probably wasn't a bad thing considering the half of a chocolate cake i ate the night before.

So right now, I'd be fighting in the cruiser weight division. I'm about five and a half pounds from bumping up to heavyweight, and 20 pounds from dropping down to light-heavyweight.

I'm putting my unofficial half-assed weight-loss attempt in boxing terms because, well, it's funny. At least to me, and i would think it would be equally funny to people who have seen me.

i'm going to be celebrating the opening of the new Daquiris and Company in Gonzales tonight, so i doubt any real progress will be made toward reaching my target weight. Come to think of it, i haven't set a target weight.

I'm feeling ambitious.

Seth's weight: 194.4, as of June 21
Seth's June 28 target: 194.3

After all, you have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. And if you walk, could you stop by the fridge and get me a beer?

Note from Seth: yes, i realize courtney still hasn't written anything. i've been trying to think of a funny story to tell to make up for the lack of funny things happening recently, but apparantly my life really is as boring as i think it is. I'll certainly pass something along if i remember otherwise.

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