Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Famous for nothin'

I never really considered myself the type to have an arch-enemy. But I found out the other night that i have one. His name is Theo.

I first encountered Theo several years ago in a geography class at LSU. He was the most obnoxious person I had ever met, and I never actually met him. It was lecture class of 200 or 300 people and he still somehow managed to be annoying. He could always be counted on to interrupt the professor to ask a strikingly stupid question.

One day, either during that semester or shortly thereafter, Theo appeared on the front page of LSU's newspaper, The Reveille, leading a demonstrastion against the LSU soccer coach. By "leading a demonstration" i mean "it was him and two other losers." I picked up the paper and just groaned, "Not that guy." I didn't know his name yet.

I learned his name some time later while watching an audition show for one of MTV's reality shows, either Real World or Road Rules, don't remember which. I was just about to change the channel (no, really) and he popped up. That's when i found out his name is Theo. Of course, he ended up getting on the show and after the season appeared on several MTV spin-offs.

So, he's finally gone forever, right? Wrong.

The other night I'm watching Last Comic Standing, and there he is, trying out for that show. He made fun of Kevin Federline, which in and of itself is not bad thing, except he did the tired dancers-in-a-bar-fight-snapping-at-each-other-bit which stopped being funny about a gazillion years ago.

So basically, it seems to me his whole existence is based on the need to constantly draw attention to himself. it's quite pathetic actually.

um, i guess that's it for now.


Ryan Chatelain said...

My wife went to high school with that guy. The problem I had with his bit is that he kind of has the same personality as Kevin Federline, especially the way he talks. If you closed your eyes, you would think you were listening to Kevin Federline make fun of Kevin Federline.

My fav so far on "Last Coming Standing" is Josh Blue, that guy with cerebal palsy. He just seems like he'd be funny whether he had his condition or not.

-seth said...

yeah, he was funny.

"My mom is the only person who can tell when i'm drunk. 'Honey, have you been drinking? you're waking straight...and you didn't keep rattling the key to get it in the door...and you're naked.'"